Driving is not new to me. I have been on the road for just over 3 decades and certainly have seen my share of stuff. Been witness to a couple of horrific accidents that still haunt me today and the usual mayhem driving in a city brings. But one of my biggest pet peeves is Calgary parking lots and probably the worst are at grocery store locations. There are not too many people who like to grocery shop to begin with so it seems we are in a hurry to get out of there, but the absolute stupidity is astounding. I liken it to walking through a mine field never sure of where the next explosion might be.
I don’t know if it is the distraction of life in which technology plays a big part or if it is the “me” centered society we live in. In the last 5 to 7 years our driving skills have seriously deteriorated leading to frustration on the roads where honking has become the norm. In Calgary we honk because someone is inconsiderate or just downright stupid. In big centers like New York they honk out of pure frustration having to sit in hours of traffic.
So my biggest parking lot pet peeves are as follows;
- Backing up without first checking all around you. I had to be Mario Andretti the other day to avoid some careless inconsiderate woman backing up without first checking. I was literally right behind her. Please put down your phone, your small talk can wait.
- Speeding through the lot with your big truck like a bat out of hell. Like somehow your big truck and small penis give you the right to be an asshole. My advice, get with the times and downsize or learn to drive respectfully, it will be much safer for all and you wouldn’t look like a hillbilly moron.
- Distracted parents on cell phones with children running around the parking lot like it is a playground. They are your kids and need to be protected at all times. Believe me, you accidentally hit a child, everyone’s lives are ruined and changed forever. This is the most selfless thing I can think of.
- Driving mach one crosswise through the stalls oblivious of anyone driving with due etiquette. It seems the rules of the road are thrown out the window in a parking lot. Apparently you can do what ever you want because everyone should be watching for you. Imagine if we all thought that way.
- Pedestrians who just walk without looking are simply asking for it in today’s world. Just look at number 4.
- The self centered driver who thinks the world should just stop as they try to maneuver what appears to be an 18 wheel truck into a spot sized for a go cart just so they don’t have to walk an extra 10ft to the store.
- Don’t get me started on the elitist folks who back into stalls as they take out a few people and cars at the same time. But somehow this is safer. Oh and you get to sit and watch as they try for the 8th time to park.
- The angle parker whose vehicle is much more important than anyone else. You know who you are. If your big ass, shiny, overstated truck is too big to fit you might want to ask yourself why. Taking up two spots because you don’t want any dings in your door just makes you a sitting duck for trouble.
Well that is my rant, please share your biggest parking lot pet peeves!
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