One evening after attending a fun theatre production put on by Jubilations in our fine city of Calgary, my SO spontaneously asked if I wanted to go to a local swingers club. We had been talking about the swinging lifestyle since I brought it up a few weeks prior but this kind of blew my mind and was so unexpected. I said, “yes” but my heart was about to jump right out of my chest and land square on the front dash of the car. At this point this was all still a fantasy in my head and far from reality.
The drive was about 20 minutes away and my mind was reeling. What was I going see? Probably a bunch of naked people running around groping each other with nary a care in the world. I imagined woman with beautiful bodies and men looking like Adonis for all to see. Sexy music playing in the back ground while people danced and chatted with of course, a glass of champagne in tow.
We arrive and I am wondering where on earth we are. In a dark industrial part of the city among construction bays I see a small neon sign saying “Open”. What on earth was this? Felt kind of seedy and desolate, not at all the grand venue I conjured up. haha My SO grabs my hand and we walk in. A very friendly lady chats with us, asks if we have been before and tells us she will take us on a tour. She happily took our money and we went in.
So it looked much like a darkly lit and ordinary neighborhood pub. There was an area where everyone stores their liquor, you bring your own to these parties. In the middle of the room was a long picnic style table with chairs around and off to the side there are booths with red vinyl decor and folks sitting in smaller groups looking rather suspicious.At the back of the room was a pole where I guess those that want to hone their dancing skills have a chance to strut their stuff. There was a small DJ booth off to the side with someone playing the weirdest music, reminiscent of what some introverted teenager would listen in their parents basement.
We then venture up stairs, and there were all the naked people. You could hear soft moans and so not so soft moans and general chatter. It is dark, dimly lit making it hard to figure out what is really going on. Eyes adjust and then the naked bodies appear. People of all shapes and sizes, some very large, others young, some mingled on a bed together. And some of the strangest apparatuses as well. A swing in the middle of the room and what looks like a work out bench positioned at that right angle where everyone gets up close and personal with you.
My heart is pounding but seeing how many different types of folks are there, I am starting to feel comfortable, not at all freaked out like I thought I would be.
My SO takes my hand and in the middle of the floor starts to undress me and gently whispers in my ear if I am OK, he then takes off my top and my breasts bounce out of my top and so it begins…
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